Friday, July 25, 2008

Dance Dance Revolution

Some weeks a little jealousy can be inspiring — and I felt both when I became the latest of 7+ million people to see some guy named Matt dancing around the world (hat tip to Sweet Stacey for the link). Not only did he travel the globe, but he also brought some crazy idea of his to life — and got to share it with a ton of people.

But that's only part of the reason this makes the cut for Happy Friday — the other part is the content of the video. A stupid dance is always funny, but seeing people around the world dancing with Matt is funny and beautiful. (Dancing with the cosplay girls in Japan is one of my faves.)

So shake a leg, get inspired and follow through on it this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Christian Bale Would Never Get Roofied

The Dark Knight opens this weekend, which means we have to open the crates and pull out the first Batman we ever knew. And while initial reports say TDK is a masterpiece ("The Godfather II of comic book sequels"), I'm not sure if Bale is capable of the range Adam West brings in this clip.

Get to the Batcave this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Burr vs Hamilton

I was on vacation earlier this summer and it's been hard to get back on the Happy Friday saddle. Been racking my brains for some inspiration and came across this fact — today is the anniversary of the Burr-Hamilton Duel, which made me think of the Michael Cera Drunk History video.

And while I know the Drunk History clip isn't new, I also know most hitting streaks don't start with a home run — so take it for what it is (besides being hysterical).

Drink some scotch and get smart this weekend. Happy Friday.