Friday, January 25, 2008

Where The Love Is Free And The Freeway's Long

Some weeks are like a weeklong training session, which means the weekends are like David Brent/Ricky Gervais interrupting the training session in this episode of The Office with his musical stylings.

Get some hot love on the Hot Love Highway this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Best Party Ever...So Far

Some weeks you gotta know a) how to use your 15 minutes and b) what makes you special - especially as you roll into this 3 day holiday weekend.

Australian surfer/party bad boy, Corey Worthington, clearly knows both.

(If you need something a little high brow after that, please check out my buddy Tony T's video poetry project for

Rock your famous glasses this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Guns N' Rajas

Some weeks you gotta follow the beat of your own tabla - like these guys from India covering GnR's Sweet Child O' Mine.

Be a rock star this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, January 4, 2008

All The World Loves A Lover

Some weeks you gotta go for the cash money. Like Charles Bronson going to Japan to make a 2 minute ad for something like the Axe Effect circa 1970.

Dust off your six-shooters this weekend. Happy Friday.