Saturday, December 6, 2008

New Blog

While I'll always try to keep Friday happy, I've started a new blog on Tumblr.

Check out the new site this weekend. Happy Friday.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Distinct Nose Of The Paranormal

Yes it's Saturday and not Friday. That was my trick for Halloween. And here's my treat. PC (née John Hodgman) cracking open a CRYSTAL SKULL...of vodka.

Keep your costume on all weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, October 17, 2008

How Many W's?

Some weeks you just want things in plain English, like the US Government's advice to the elderly about getting their analog TVs prepared to for the upcoming switch to digital signals.

Follow the directions this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, October 10, 2008

You Know There's A Remix, Right?

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Some weeks are full of mudslinging, especially the weeks leading up to a presidential election. That's why you gotta take a step back and listen closely to what the candidates are really saying — like this remix of the first debate.

Reserve the right to party with any head of state you want to this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Head of Skate

Some weeks you wish your life was a movie. Or a certain VP's candidacy. Well, here's the Sarah Palin story, given the mock-Disney treatment by the people at College Humor.

Put the "ice" in "nice" this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, September 19, 2008

You Just Can't Reason With Hurricane Season

While we all saw a financial storm this week, it was only a few days ago that a real storm, Hurricane Ike, hit Texas. And a man in a bear costume. (Thanks to Bri in Chi-town.)

Keep your camera on the story this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Monster Mash-Up

I finally saw the movie Predator for the first time ever last week (crazy, I know) and now this music video/movie mash-up finally makes sense. (Side note: it took 9 months to make and it sounds like it.)

Get to the chopper this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Point, Counter-Point

The Republican National Convention is packing up after a week in the Twin Cities. Speaking of twins, here's a clip from John Stewart's Daily Show highlighting the way certain pundits talk out of both sides of their mouths.

Keep it fair and balanced this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Summer Lovin', Had Me A Blast

Ready or not, it's Labor Day — a three-day weekend and the unofficial end of summer.

Where'd it go? What'd you do? More importantly, can you sing about those summer nights to your co-workers when you're hanging out by the water cooler?

To get you ready, here's the post-summer classic Summer Nights from Grease in Lego stop-motion. And while I'm not buying Lego-Travolta as a pilot with five o'clock shadow, I do think Rizzo's bitchiness comes through.

(Note: if Lego's not your bag, here's the original version.)

Tell us more this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I Brake For Monster Booty

Some weeks you gotta give it up for a good idea. Like compiling the best monster booty hits of all time on one CD. Honestly, I thought this was a gag until I saw the bumper sticker and I realized no one could make that up. (Hat tip to Sam at YouVert.)

Get that platinum badonkadonk this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympic Record

In honor of the Olympics, here's former track star Carl Lewis turning in a truly gold medal musical performance. (Close second: Carl's velvety version of the national anthem.)

Go for the gold this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Total Eclipse of the Heart

In honor of today's total eclipse, here's a totally great cover of Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart by The Dan Band.

Pepper your songs with expletives this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dance Dance Revolution

Some weeks a little jealousy can be inspiring — and I felt both when I became the latest of 7+ million people to see some guy named Matt dancing around the world (hat tip to Sweet Stacey for the link). Not only did he travel the globe, but he also brought some crazy idea of his to life — and got to share it with a ton of people.

But that's only part of the reason this makes the cut for Happy Friday — the other part is the content of the video. A stupid dance is always funny, but seeing people around the world dancing with Matt is funny and beautiful. (Dancing with the cosplay girls in Japan is one of my faves.)

So shake a leg, get inspired and follow through on it this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Christian Bale Would Never Get Roofied

The Dark Knight opens this weekend, which means we have to open the crates and pull out the first Batman we ever knew. And while initial reports say TDK is a masterpiece ("The Godfather II of comic book sequels"), I'm not sure if Bale is capable of the range Adam West brings in this clip.

Get to the Batcave this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Burr vs Hamilton

I was on vacation earlier this summer and it's been hard to get back on the Happy Friday saddle. Been racking my brains for some inspiration and came across this fact — today is the anniversary of the Burr-Hamilton Duel, which made me think of the Michael Cera Drunk History video.

And while I know the Drunk History clip isn't new, I also know most hitting streaks don't start with a home run — so take it for what it is (besides being hysterical).

Drink some scotch and get smart this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Seven Words

Some weeks you gotta pay respects, so this week we're paying them to George Carlin and the English language he had so much fun playing with.

Keep it clean this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Got Smart?

Some weeks you gotta go back to the original - and this week, in honor of Get Smart the movie, here's the original Get Smart TV intro.

I always wanted to have a place with an entrance like the one to CONTROL headquarters. Or at least a trapdoor pay phone.

Find a cone of silence this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, May 30, 2008


In honor of the Scripps Spelling Bee finals this week, here's the most awesome spelling recovery I've ever seen.

Ask for the definition and language of origin this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Indiana Jones And The One Trick Pony

Nothing kicks off the summer like Memorial Day Weekend and the start of the summer movie blockbusters. It's a great way to finally break out of the winter rut and find your groove. Unless you're Harrison Ford.

Sure, he's back to being Indiana Jones this weekend, but there was a stretch between The Last Crusade and The Crystal Skull that became somewhat familiar, as exceptionally pointed out in the the ultimate Harrison Ford movie mash-up trailer Wife Force One.

Break a box office record this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, May 16, 2008

I Want To Rock n' Rickroll All Night

Some weeks are an embarrassment of riches, like the 3 videos I stumbled across this week. The KISS/Rick Astley "rickroll" mash-up is amazing (thanks to YouVert), the Wiener Poopie is riveting journalism (thanks to G), and Kick My Ass? is proof that kids refuse to let monsters kick their ass.

Don't get rickrolled this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, May 9, 2008


Some weeks you think back to your earlier jobs and the crazy stuff that happened - like Richard Pryor talking about one of his first gigs...being 19 years a club run by the mob. (Props to CG.)

Work the crowd this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Grand Theft Auto VII - Hood Rats

Some weeks you just want to do bad things - like Latarian Milton, the 7-year-old who stole his grandmother's SUV and took it for a spin. (Hat tip to JG for the link.)

Keep an eye on the kid driving the car next to you this weekend. Happy Friday.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Some weeks you have to learn from your mistakes. Like me this week. It's Saturday. I goofed.

So with that in mind - and the NFL Draft happening today and tomorrow - I give you the Jets greatest draft blunders (thanks to Bri). Hopefully they learn from their mistakes and make the right choice this year.

Pick wisely this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hive Five

Some weeks you gotta celebrate yourself, even if no one is willing to go along with you. In honor of that and the end of the NBA regular season, here's Milwaukee Bucks center Andrew Bogut with the self-congratulatory play of the year - high-fiving himself after his teammates ignored him.

Sink them free throws this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, April 11, 2008

It's The Safe Way To Break And Pop

You're never too old to learn a new trick - and hopefully you learned something new this week at work. Like how to breakdance the Alfonso Ribeiro way. (Hat tip to Bri for this one.)

Get your breakin' and poppin' on this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Shine A Light

In honor of Shine A Light, Scorsese's new Rolling Stones flick opening this weekend, I found this montage of Stones' songs in movies - quite a few, not surprisingly, shot by Marty himself.

Other things to shine a light on, that you might've missed this week...

A woman who was ordered to stay away from actor John Cusack has been arrested on suspicion of stalking Cusack and violating a restraining order. I really hope it was raining and she was holding a boombox up to his window blasting "In Your Eyes."

Kathie Lee Gifford is returning to morning TV as the new co-host of the fourth hour of NBC's "Today" show. In other news, the Today show has decided to move to a 3 hour format.

A 14-year-old Connecticut student is facing a weapons charge, accused of tinkering with a disposable camera to make it capable of zapping people with an electrical charge. There's no joke here - just the funny video that probably inspired the kid to do it.

Give some shelter this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Sound Your Funky Horn

Some weeks the b-side is the best. Here's a special request from/congrats shout-out to Sweet Stacey for some Friday Funk courtesy of KC & The Sunshine Band.

And since you've been working all week, here's some other things you've might have missed...

A US Airways pilot accidentally discharged his gun in the cockpit during a flight from Denver to Charlotte, N.C., according to the Transportation Safety Administration. Sadly, nothing in that previous sentence is sexual innuendo for getting into the Mile High Club.

A 21-year-old man says he feels "pretty good," four months after he was declared brain dead and doctors were about to remove his organs for transplant. In other news, people waiting for those organs say they feel "pretty bad."

Attendance at a Buddhist temple in Japan has increased since the temple's pet, a two-year-old dog, has joined in the daily prayers. Conan, a Chihuahua, sits on his hind legs, raises his paws and puts them together at the tip of his nose. Not to be outdone, the Pope has installed a toilet-trained cat in the Vatican bathrooms.

A study of 6,583 adults found that people with the highest amount of abdominal fat between the ages of 40 and 45 were about three times more likely to develop dementia than those with the lowest amount. On the plus side, Kirstie Alley can look forward to not remembering her Jenny Craig ads.

Aníbal S. Acevedo Vilá, the governor of Puerto Rico, has been charged with 19 criminal counts related to the financing of three political campaigns from 1999 to 2004, including conspiracy to violate federal campaign laws, wire fraud and illegally using campaign funds for his personal use. Finally, a governor who remembers his job is to screw the public.

An attorney who once made People magazine's list of America's "Most Eligible Bachelors" was acquitted Wednesday of raping a 19-year-old woman, narrowly avoiding this year's list of America's "Most Eligible for Parole in 20 Years."

And finally, this 8-year-old totally shredding it on a Flying V.

Sound your funky horn this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Just Trying To Help The Economy

Some weeks you get caught with your pants down. And if you happen to be the governor of NY, David Letterman might just make a Top 10 List about it.

Keep your client number to yourself this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Cat Power

I don't know why this is funny, but it is. Maybe because it's so simple - a cat, some string and some cut-out photos. But it does prove W.C. Fields' line - "Never work with animals or children."

Get your disguise on this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, February 29, 2008

You'll Find The Whole World For What You're Looking For

It's Leap Day. I've always wondered what it's like to be born on February 29 - are you only 1/4 your age because your birthday rolls around every 4 years?

Maybe Irving Fields is a Leap Day kid, because he acts as if he's a quarter of his 92 years - especially after writing this catchy theme song for YouTube, called "YouTube Dot Com." (We'll forgive that he calls it "the YouTube.")

Tickle some ivories this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, February 22, 2008

He Is The Walrus

Sorry about last week, but as the president of this blog I took the week off to celebrate Presidents Day weekend. Speaking of presidents, here's my nominee for the Baby Beatle President - Hero Ha.

This kid can rock a house party at the drop of a hat - as long as it's before his bed time and you like Beatle's songs. And as for the police sirens in the background, all I can say to the fuzz is - you can not stop Hero Ha, you can only hope to contain him.

Sing a song standing on your sofa this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, February 8, 2008

My Morning Glory Says Hello To You

Some weeks you gotta toot your own horn - so here's a little Valentine's project I just finished. It's a music video about the morning after Valentine's Day called Breakfast in Bed. Check out the the full site and spread the love at

Masticate with someone you love this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Grind (Rail) House

You do you work every week and maybe it's good and maybe it's not so good. But if you could just film what you do in slo-mo with a soaring musical score and add a few explosions, well, then it would be awesome.

Seriously, though - these kids can skate - even with the pyrotechnics all around them. (Props to Bri in Chi-town for the link.)

Bust an ollie this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Where The Love Is Free And The Freeway's Long

Some weeks are like a weeklong training session, which means the weekends are like David Brent/Ricky Gervais interrupting the training session in this episode of The Office with his musical stylings.

Get some hot love on the Hot Love Highway this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Best Party Ever...So Far

Some weeks you gotta know a) how to use your 15 minutes and b) what makes you special - especially as you roll into this 3 day holiday weekend.

Australian surfer/party bad boy, Corey Worthington, clearly knows both.

(If you need something a little high brow after that, please check out my buddy Tony T's video poetry project for

Rock your famous glasses this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Guns N' Rajas

Some weeks you gotta follow the beat of your own tabla - like these guys from India covering GnR's Sweet Child O' Mine.

Be a rock star this weekend. Happy Friday.

Friday, January 4, 2008

All The World Loves A Lover

Some weeks you gotta go for the cash money. Like Charles Bronson going to Japan to make a 2 minute ad for something like the Axe Effect circa 1970.

Dust off your six-shooters this weekend. Happy Friday.